Welcome to LIFE to the FULL

Our brand comes from John 10.10:

The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come to give you life and life to the full.

So much tries to drag us down. We need to live with joy and purpose and be fully present in God's great creation. LIFE to the FULL exists to help you do that.

99 wrangler...in case you're wondering : )

About me.

My name is Jeff Bruce. I'm a non-profit ministry director in central PA focused on providing youth (often fatherless and/or underprivileged) with a Christian mentor.

I've always enjoyed creativity. From music to video, graphic design, and photography.

I started podcasting in 2017, leading to video and YouTube a few years later. That's when I fell in love with the camera. I wanted to learn and know everything. This inevitably led to photography. I love to capture interesting scenes, beauty, colors, and joy on faces.

I truly believe that my purpose (and I hope yours too) is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. So let's talk and I promise to make your session fun and memorable.


What kind of photography do you do?

I've been taking photos of anything, everything, and anyone for years. I've just really enjoyed the hobby of photography. As a result, I can shoot a variety of types:




But my favorite is dramatic lighting photography. Usually these are athletes (sportraits) but they certainly don't have to be.

Let me know what you're interested in and we can discuss your project.

How do I book a session?

Click on the "LET'S GET YOU BOOKED!" to see if we are a good fit for each other, to determine your goals, and the session time and products.

Do You Offer Digital Files?

All of my packages include digitals and some include prints as well but from your digital gallery you can order just about anything from photo books, to framed prints and more. I've order some of these products myself and they are very high quality. You won't be disappointed.

Do you offer payment plans?

There is a 10% session retainer fee but we can determine a payment plan for you if needed.

What is your typical photo turn-around time?

The typical turnaround time for a one-hour session is one week but I'll get you some sneak peeks usually within 24 hours of our session.

What payment methods are available?

Credit, Debit, Check, Venmo - we've got you covered!

What are your prices for 2024?

Click HERE for our current pricing packages.